which of the following is an example of the first-assignment-in-time rule for assignments?

 It seems that you may not have provided the specific examples or options related to the "first-assignment-in-time" rule. However, I can explain the general concept.

The "first-assignment-in-time" rule is a principle often applied in project management or task prioritization. It suggests that when faced with multiple assignments or tasks, you should prioritize and complete the one that is due first or has the earliest deadline.


Let's say you have three assignments:

  1. Assignment A is due in two days.
  2. Assignment B is due in five days.
  3. Assignment C is due in one week.

According to the first-assignment-in-time rule, you would prioritize Assignment A because it has the earliest deadline. After completing Assignment A, you would then move on to Assignment B and then Assignment C.

This rule helps individuals manage their workload efficiently and meet deadlines by addressing tasks in the order of their urgency. It is a simple yet effective way to prioritize assignments based on their due dates, ensuring that you focus on time-sensitive tasks first


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